School Program

The Impact Educational Program for Schools

Some years ago I received a telephone call from the personal assistant to Mr. Rob Blatchford, the Regional Director for Education, Loddon Mallee Region in Victoria, Australia, asking me to make an appointment with Mr. Blatchford.  The Director’s question to me at the beginning of the appointment was “How can we in education, clone more Heather Pollocks?”

This question was based on the successful outcomes I was achieving for the students the Education Department were referring to me because of their intolerable behaviour and dis-engagement from the education system.  At the time, I had more than enough to do within my clinic to keep me busy, and besides, the Kinesiology modality was not so well known and I didn’t want schools or teachers dipping in to the practice without full commitment and then advocating it didn’t work – therefore I didn’t take up his offer.

However, due to an even greater emerging need for action, based on the ever increasing number of today’s young people who are dis-engaging from what is offered in schools, I decided that I needed to take that action. The students need, together with the cries from their teachers and parents for support for themselves, and the young people in their lives, and their professional careers, were all the reasons why I set about writing a book on my work as well as developing the following program for schools.


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The Impact Education Program:

I am advising that through the implementation of this program, the school community can positively support students’ learning outcomes and development. Along with the improved outcomes, the program will enable them to change their student’s experiences of stressful failure to confident success so that each and every student can reach their full potential. Teachers will also win by gaining back their love of their work and their sense of making a real difference.

This can be achieved by educating, training and supporting:


Department of Education Decision Makers


Teacher Aides

Other Professionals

Community Volunteers

….. as to how they can make a difference by introducing

                  SMALL CHANGES  that will bring about ENORMOUS POSITIVE OUTCOMES

by working as a TEAM  where each plays a specific role in the child’s education

Just as it has been said that:

                                                         ‘It takes a village to raise a child’

So to:                                    ‘It takes a community to TRULY educate a child’

The aim of the program for each school initially is to engage identified ‘at risk’ students from the early years of primary schools in an educational learning program that safely supports overcoming developmental delays, and various labelled learning difficulties and then move the program up through the school class levels. The program is suitable for all levels of primary and secondary education while still fitting in with the school curriculum and timetable.

By implementing specific strategies, the program will support students’ development so that they are actually ‘school ready’, thereby lowering their stress, improving brain integration and promoting confidence in their learning ability.

The IMPACT Education Program for schools meets the requirements for funding based on the Australian Government Gonski Report.  The program will hand on to parents, teachers, teacher aides and volunteers the relevant strategies for their part in the teamwork that will ensure their empowerment, intention, training and responsibility – all that the school community needs to achieve the reliable results you all demand in the most important areas of your life – the development of the children in your care, whether you be a professional or a parent.


This program has been proven and will challenge and support you in attaining the results you and the children desire and deserve for their learning, positive behaviour and life!


·       Are you interested in bringing the Impact Education Program or any of the above workshops to your school or parents’ club, but don’t have the funds to do this?

·       Are you wishing that you knew how to obtain funds to have this incredible program for the children and the school community?

·       Well then, perhaps knowledge as to how to write a grant or do some simple fundraising may open up these opportunities for you! …….What do you think?

Perhaps I Can Help:            Contact me for further details

What’s Next?

If you are really motivated and ready to begin the grant exploration with me, please share your enthusiasm with your principal or director to gain their support/permission and find out more about what the grant submission process involves for your school or organization.

Still so enthusiastic that you have just got to move forward?

Then talk to your colleagues, parents and others in your school community, to establish how many of them are interested in joining you on this adventure in achieving funds for this education program. The more enthusiastic people are involved, the better… and the stronger the grant application will be!

Besides, think of how this achievement would look on your professional resume or profile?

